“I know I follow them, why didn’t I see their last ten posts?!”
I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten this DM asking this! You open your Instagram feed, go to either your stories, or your actual feed (whatever person you are, I’m a stories gal), and you scroll and scroll, and realize…where is @theramblingredhead been at?!?! (absolute fav Instagrammer currently) You go to their page, and by golly, they’ve posted as usual the last four days, but you hadn’t seen it for some reason.
This is why.
What people don’t realize about Instagram is how the algorithm works. When you open your feed and start scrolling, you’re seeing people’s pages that YOU’VE ENGAGED WITH. Engagement is what you call liking or commenting on someone’s post or interacting with their content. When you like or comment on someone’s post, you’re telling Instagram that you love that person’s content and that you want to see it more often. Did you know you only see about 10% of the pages you actually “follow”? So when you open your app and start scrolling, Instagram lines up pages you’ve interacted with recently.
How to fix this:
So to fix this, start engaging with pages you love! Comment, like, share, etc and Instagram will start seeing that and show you up your fav pages first.
BUT what if you’re a creeper like most folks, and love to watch but don’t really ever comment or like? We get it, (it’s a little sketch,) but we get it;) lol. There’s a fix for you, no worries. It’s called “CLOSE FRIENDS”.
All you have to do is go to a page you absolutely love, click the Following tab on their profile, and click the “add to close friends list”. This tells IG that you guys are totally buds (even if you’ve never met and you’re just a true fan) and that you DEF want to see everything they post.
You could also turn on post notifications for every time they post, but who wants more notifications lol.
I hope this tidbit has been helpful and if it has, share my Instagram page with a friend! Truly the best compliment you could give me.
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